


1. After they had struggled, people smiled at them at last – Wrong
  • Correct Pairs
    • smile at someone’s failure
    • smile on someone.
  • Correct formation
    • After they had struggled, people smiled on them at last.    
2. Girls have great liking to children – Wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • liking for person & thing – when sense is has or have
    • Liking to person & thing – when sense is taken
** Here the sense is to have children is liked by her.
       Let me illustrate
  • Meena took liking to Vijay & married him.
    • here the sense isn’t to have Vijay but to marry him
  • Correct formation
    • Girls have great liking for children.

3. Doctor waited too long for normal delivery & then decided to operate her for delivery – Wrong

  • Correct Pair
    • Operate always agrees with ‘on/upon’ always
  • Correct formation
    • Doctor waited too long for normal delivery & then decided to operate on her for delivery.

4. Young generation always differ from their parents in views on life – Wrong

  • Correct Pair
    • Differ with a person in views
    • Differ from something
      • I differ from you in habits as well as manners.
  • Correct formation
    • Young generation always differs with their parents in views on life.

5. My boy friend has assured me to present me a new i-phone on my next birthday – Wrong
** When you read this sentence I dam sure you’ll think it is absolutely right. But demand of this sentence is when you get anything as a gift/free on some occasion, you should use ‘with’ right after receiver.
  • Correct formation
    • My boy friend has promised to provide me with a new i-phone on my next birthday.
    • My boy friend has assured me to present me with a new i-phone on my next birthday.
6. Do you know what for Agra is famous? – Wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • The sentence isn’t giving clear meaning
    • It should be famous for
  • Correct formation
    • Do you know what for Agra is famous for?
7. A teacher never wishes any reward although he serves through out his life   with honesty & sincerity – Wrong
** same as 68
  • Correct Pair
    • Wish always agrees with ‘for’ whether we want something or not
  • Correct formation
    • A teacher never wishes for any reward although he serves through out his life with honesty & sincerity.
8. Pt. Nehru was very humble although he came from a rich family – Wrong
   ** ‘came from a rich family’ is looking right in reading but not in English    dictionary.
  • Correct Pair
    • Comes of a rich family is a right pair.
  • Correct formation
    • Pt. Nehru was very humble although he came of a rich family.
9. He is wanting of money so people think he’ll earn money through corruption – Wrong
** some aspirants think wanting means want of something i.e. so wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Wanting always agrees with ‘in’ means lacking in.
  • Correct formation
    • He is wanting in money so people think he’ll earn money through corruption.

10. We the people of India should learn to remain united togetherWrong
** If you read this in fast run, you may think the sentence is correctly written.  Lets think about last two words of this sentence.  
** the word ‘United & together’ isn’t same, is it? so this must be superfluous. remove one of them.
  • Correct formation
    • We the people of India should learn to remain united.

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