

Preposition, Preposition explained

1. His path was beset with difficulties – Wrong
  • Beset : घेर लेना & नाक में दम करना
** Beset agrees with ‘with’ but here this is a passive voice sentence, be careful while correcting passive sentences.
** Some books state ‘with’ is the correct preposition here but here sentence doesn’t seem to require preposition. Don’t get entangle into it.
  • Correct formation
    • His path was beset by difficulties.
2. As a boy Mayank is very obedient, polite & hard-working but as a student he is always  inattentive in study –Wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Inattentive always agrees with ‘to’.
  • Correct formation
    • As a boy Mayank is very obedient, polite & hard=working but as a student he is always inattentive to study.
3. Masked men held out a security van on the motorway – Wrong
  • Confusing Pairs
    • Hold up : to delay(रोकना)
    • Hold out : fight against sth.
    • Hold forth : To describe sth(भाषण देना)
    • Hold on : to wait.
  • Correct formation
    • Masked men held up a security van on the motorway
4. He drained what was left in his drink – wrong
If you don’t know the correct preposition then you’ll mark right this sentence.
  • Correct pair
    • Left agrees with ‘of’
  • Correct formation
    • He drained what was left of his drink
5. All orders must conforms with the rules – Wrong
  • Correct Pairs
    • Conforms to the rules
    • Conforms with one’s views
  • Correct formation
    • All orders must conforms to the rules.
6.  The redevelopment project is aimed not just providing good houses to shanty dewellers, but also developing infrastructure around the Major Mumbai localities – Wrong
  • Correct formation
    • The redevelopment project is aimed at not just providing good houses to shanty dewellers, but also developing infrastructure around the Major Mumbai localities.
7. Krishnakali, an early riser and a nature lover goes to morning walk at Rabindra Sarovar Lake before dawn – Wrong
Look at these sentences
  • I went to the college yesterday.
    • Direct to the place – when we talk about any place or thing we use ‘to’.
  • I go for a morning walk daily.
    • When we talk about any movement , we use ‘for’.
  • Correct formation
    • Krishnakali, an early riser and a nature lover goes for morning walk at Rabindra Sarovar Lake before dawn.
8. A man from our village has been nominated for the ruling party’s candidate for the post – Wrong
** Break this sentence into two parts,
  1. A man from our village for the ruling party’s candidate – Wrong
  2. Nominated for the post – Right
Now, let’s have a look on options
  • 1. to | 2. as | 3. in | 4. for
What do you think, the change should be in sentence 1.
  1. A man from our village as the ruling party’s candidate
  • Correct formation
    • A man from our village has been nominated as the ruling party’s candidate for the post.
## It is not necessarily the correct preposition of the word will it be together, sometimes it can use at a distant.
9. I have just come to know that Mr. Ray, one of my favorite teachers, died with cancer recently – Wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Die of something – direct causes like cancer or any other illness
    • Die from injuries – indirect causes like accident or sth.
  • Correct Formation
    • I have just come to know that Mr. Ray, one of my favorite teachers, died of cancer recently.
10. One must learn to distinguish good from bad – Right
PS read this sentence again & ask yourself what must be the error in it.
  • Correct Pairs
    • Distinguish between two things
    • Distinguish from a thing
Well – Let’s have a look on these sentences,
  • At what level we’re able to distinguish between maturity & immaturity.
  • What quality you do have that makes you distinguish from others.
## Here we’r using both between & from. I hope, it is clear now.
11. He finds fault at everything I do – Wrong
## It might be wrong in the fast run, read it carefully.
  • finding fault with everyone/everything – The man who always look for picking holes.
  • Correct Formation
    • He finds fault with/in everything I do.
12. There is only one cure to the evils which newly acquired freedom produces and the cure is freedom – Wrong
  • Cure agrees with preposition ‘ for’.
  • Correct Formation
    • There is only one cure for the evils which newly acquired freedom produces and the cure is freedom.
13. The old lady swooned but was soon restored at senses – Wrong
  • Swoon : बेहोश
## Now, you were pretty familiar what the meaning of the sentence.
  • Restore always agrees with preposition ‘ to’.
  • Correct Formation
    • The old lady swooned but was soon restored to senses.
14. Have trust on God & everything will be right – Wrong
## Generally, if you don’t know the correct preposition then you might mark this question right. Read again this sentence.
  • Correct Pair
    • Trust in God/Person
    • Trust to one’s ability/honesty
  • Correct Formation
    • Have trust in God & everything will be right.
15. At last we have to triumph over the difficulties of life- Right
  •        Correct Pair
         Triumph over(difficulties/कठिनाइयों पर विजय)

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