


1. On Diwali I’ll order for new i-phone – Wrong
    Description : It seems that it is right in reading but it is not so. What about if we remove ‘for’ from the sentence. There is no preposition require in simple active voice sentence with order.
  • Correct formation
    • On Diwali I’ll order new i-phone.
2. While taking measurements, we should write with dark ink – Wrong
  • Confusing Pairs
    • Write with a pen or pencil
    • Write in ink
  • Correct formation
    • While taking measurements, we should write in dark ink.
3. I think you should revise your whole syllabus again – Wrong
    Description : I,m pretty sure you’re thinking this is absolutely correct. I told you in my previous  parts that read every sentence very slowly & try to connect each word with one another. what about word ‘revise’ & ‘again’. they’re superfluous. drop one of them.
  • Correct formation
    • I think you should revise your whole syllabus.
4. Listen the advice of people that are free to advice – Wrong
    Description : There’re some verbs that takes fix prepositions with it. Listen is one of them. Use always ‘to’ with listen.
  • Correct formation
    • Listen to the advice of people that are free to advice.
5. The snatcher was bound by a gold chain and taken to custody – Wrong
  • Bound : a leaping movement towards or over something.
  • Bound agrees with ‘with’
Description : Do not get entangle into that it is a passive voice then ‘by’ right usage .
  • Correct formation
    • The snatcher was bound by a gold chain and taken to custody.
6. Kapil is very popular among his friends, relatives & public – Wrong
  • Confusing Pairs
    • Popular with people
    • Popular for quality
  • Correct formation
    • Kapil is very popular with his friends, relatives & public.
  • Lets discuss Between & Among
  1. Between : use when two persons or thing. Also use for choice of selection
  • The money will be divided between two brothers.
  • Between the employees in the company which is the best?
    2. Among : use when more than two person or thing.
7. My girl friend will meet me on next Sunday – Wrong
    Description : No doubt, you’ll mark this question absolutely correct if you don’t know the rule.
  • Confusing Pairs
    • next Monday, next Sunday, next time etc do not take any preposition before it.
  • Correct formation
    • My girl friend will meet me next Sunday
8. Everyone complains against indecent behavior of the guard department – Wrong
  • Correct formation
    • complain against a person
    • complain of/about a thing
  • Correct formation
    • Everyone complains of indecent behavior of the guard department.
9. My friend suffered from cancer last year – Right
  • Confusing Pairs
    • Suffer from disease
    • He suffered heavy loss in Gold business. do not use ‘from’
10. You should write this note by yellow pen – Wrong
      Description : We never use ‘by’ with write.
  • Correct pair
    • write something with pen.
  • Correct formation
    • You should write this note with yellow pen.
11. Quarrel on anything with anybody isn’t a good sign of human. PS don’t – Wrong
  • Correct pairs
    • Quarrel over a thing
    • Quarrel with a person
  • Correct formation
    • Quarrel over anything with anybody isn’t a good sign of human.
    • Quarrel with anybody over anything isn’t a good sign of human.
12. Rule *Use into rather than in to express motion toward something. Use in to tell the location.
      1. I dived in the water.- Incorrect
      2. Throw it in the trash.- Incorrect
  • Correct formation
      1. I dived into the water.
      2. Throw it into the trash.

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