

Preposition plays a vital role to score high & high marks in English. There’re several questions based upon preposition if you know the correct preposition then you good marks otherwise just waist your time while fixing them with particular word.
We’re going to discuss some important preposition that have come in various exams and expected to ask in upcoming exams.  Make sure it’ll raise your score in English section & it is very important to those who’ve dilemma to learn prepositions.
So Lets Begin 

1. They knocked down ten houses when they build the new road – wrong
  • Knock down : it is use when destroy a building by breaking some parts of it
  • Pull down : it is use when destroy a building completely
2. He is adequately provided for the necessities of life – wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Provided something for someone
    • Provided someone with something
  • Correct formation
    • He is adequately provided with the necessities of life.
    • My father provided me with the money to purchase new smart phone.
3. Vibhor is taking tina for tea – right
  • Confusing Pair
    • Take to : ले जाओ
    • Take on : लेना
  • The Undertake takes on The Great Khali tonight in wrestle mania 34 
  • It uses generally with challenges.
4. Ram filled ink into his pen before leaving for school – wrong
  • Read this sentence again, I’m damn sure 90% aspirants in exam will mark this sentence right
  • because you’re converting this sentence into Hindi & it supposed to be correct
  • Correct pair
    • Fill agrees with ‘with’ preposition
  • Correct formation
  • Ram filled his pen with ink before leaving for school.
5. Meera  has been detained from a meeting – wrong
  • Correct pair
    • Detained agrees with preposition ‘ at’
  • Correct formation
  • Meera  has been detained at a meeting.
6. All these articles are kept in a tin box to prevent from spoiling of damp in rainy season – wrong
  • Correct pair
    • Prevent from doing something means to stop someone to do an act
    • Prevent : रोकना
  • Correct formation
    • All these articles are kept in a tin box to prevent them being spoiled of damp in rainy season.
7. Vijay evaded to pay income tax – wrong
  • Evade : not doing something(in order to avoid) especially legally
  • First of all,There is no object in this sentence this is why it is wrong.
  • Second, Evade agrees with gerund
  • Correct formation
    • Vijay evaded paying income tax.
8. I have dreamt all my life to own a beautiful maroon coloured car – wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Dream of an IAS
    • ‘Dream of’ agrees with Gerund
  • Correct formation
  • I have dreamt all my life of owning a beautiful maroon coloured car.
9. Neeha was musing on of the past – wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Muse agrees with ‘over’
    • Musing over : To think about something for a time, ignoring what is happening around you.
  • Correct formation
  • Neeha was musing over of the past
10. Mr. Puri put his whole life on the work – wrong
  • Correct Pair
    • Put something in something (Idiom)
  • Correct formation
    • Mr. Puri put his whole life in the work

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