
English Quiz-9

Ques 1. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Arrange them in correct order.

A. On either side of the trunk there are a few scattered tufts of short grass.

B. It is towards one of these fallen trees that I am now looking.

C. A very violent cyclonic storm has struck the forest, uprooting a number of trees.

D. The trunk of the tree is ripped apart and the branches are lying all around it.

Ans 1. CBDA                         2. ABDC                                3. ADBC                             4. CDAB

Ques 2. Fill  in the blank.

Kanjirapally has the highest number of rainy days in Kerala. It receives the highest (1)_____ of summer

rains, winter rains and northeast monsoons in Kerala, (2)_____ it one of the very few (3)_____ in

India enjoying equatorial rainforest type climate, with no (4) _____ dry season. The well-distributed

rainfall pattern of Kanjirapally is the (5)_____ reason for the phenomenon of high yield of latex from

rubber plantations in and around the town.

1. expanse                     2. Amount                          3. Extent                          4. Number

1. making                      2. Make                                3. Makes                         4. Made

1. place                         2. Places                               3. Spot                             4. Space

1. distinct                     2. Individual                         3. Divergent                   4. Diverse

1. insignificant             2. Primary                            3. Minor                          4. Initial

Ques 3. Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

               The supervisor said to the staff, "Make sure that every room is disinfected properly."

Ans 1. The supervisor instructed the staff to make sure that every room was disinfected properly.

        2. The supervisor instructs the staff to make sure that every room is disinfected properly.

        3. The supervisor instructed the staff to make sure that every room had been disinfected properly.

        4. The supervisor instructed the staff to make sure that every room was being disinfected properly.

Ques 4. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives

their correct order.

          A. They were covered with mud from head to foot.

          B. Two men were fighting, crying out and cursing, at the bottom of the ditch.

          C. “Stop that!” shouted the sergeant.

          D. Three or four soldiers, holding torches, were standing around a ditch.

Ans 1. DBAC                         2. BDAC                       3. DCBA                            4. BACD

Ques 5. In the given sentence, identify the segment which contains a grammatical error.

                   We are yet living in the same house.

Ans 1. in the                          2. We are                           3. same house                           4. yet living

Ques 6. In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the

alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

An open-minded person can very easily accept as well as respect the (1)______ person's viewpoint or ideas. Such a person willingly and cordially (2)______ to others' views, accepts their different ideas, and even goes ahead to implement them (3)______. With an open mindset, positive and vibrant energy (4)______ that not only helps such people (5)_______ also keeps other people around them happy.

Ans 1. Either                   2. Each                                3. Every                    4. Other

        1. listening              2. Listened                          3. Listen                   4. Listens

        1. successfully       2. Habitually                       3. Clearly                 4. Eventfully

        1. is created           2. had been created         3. was created        4. was being created

        1. when                  2. And                                  3. But                        4. Even

Ques 7. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the

right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. The country gained admission to the United Nations in 1955.

B. In 2008, however, after a decade long period of violence and turbulent negotiation with a strong Maoist insurgency, the monarchy was dissolved, and Nepal was declared a democratic republic.

C. In 1991 the kingdom established a multiparty parliamentary system.

D. Nepal, long under the rule of hereditary prime ministers favouring a policy of isolation, remained closed to the outside world until a palace revolt in 1950 restored the crown’s authority in 1951.

Ans 1. CABD                 2. DACB                3. DBAC                 4. BCDA

Ques 8. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

As the Principal was busy, she ______ a senior teacher to attend the conference on her behalf.

Ans 1. Reserved                          2. Declared                             3. Committed                        4. Deputed

Ques 9. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in direct speech.

             The customer asked the bank manager if they were working on the following Saturday.

Ans 1. The customer said to the bank manager, “Were they working on the previous Saturday?”

        2. The customer asked the bank manager, “Are they working on the previous Saturday?”

        3. The customer said to the bank manager, “Are you working next Saturday?”

        4. The customer asks the bank manager, “If you were working on the following Saturday?”

Ques 10. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

                To leave no stone unturned

Ans 1. To try everything possible to solve a problem

        2. To turn everything upside down

        3. To become accustomed to routine things

        4. To become furious with somebody


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