
English Quiz-8

Ques 1. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order.

A. Earlier, they had to look through hundreds of mugshots in large books and they could make a positive

identification only in 5% of the cases.

B. This saves a lot of time and effort and also leads to more positive identifications.

C. Now computers make this easier for witnesses by projecting only pictures that match the descriptions


D. After a crime, witnesses often give the police a description and thus help to identify the criminal.

Ans 1. CBAD                          2. ACBD                      3. BACD                        4. DACB

Ques 2. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

Despite their ______, impersonal rules that apply to all are essential in large systems.

Ans 1. Benefits                                                    2. limitations

       3. support                                                     4. Advantages

Ques 3. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom:

                 know inside out

Ans 1. To always know a lot about every topic                              2. To know a little about something

        3. To know something thoroughly                                            4. To know everything by rote memory

Ques 4. In the following passage, some words have been deleted.

We must understand that people can process very little information presented orally. So, it is

(1) ______, particularly for a teacher, to realise that the students have sometimes listened to three or

four teachers (2) ______ you. So, the teacher must have props like notes, handouts and slides that will

make the learning material (3) ______ alive for the students and stay that way with them.

A visual aid, a little movement or colour will get the students’ attention. Another important thing to

 (4) ______ is that long, complicated sentences spoken fast are simply too difficult for students

to understand. It is, therefore, (5) ______ to use short sentences that make sense to them instantly.

Ans 1. unnecessary                        2. Urgent                            3. Important                           4. Immaterial

       1. beside                                   2. After                               3. Behind                                  4. Before

       1. stay                                       2. Go                                   3. Be                                          4. Come

       1. guess                                    2. Decide                            3. Determine                            4. Realise

       1. critical                                  2. Compulsory                   3. Mandatory                           4. Advisable

Ques 5. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Arrange them in logical order.

A. How will we ever reach our goal if we don't follow our ideals and principles and follow the path we say

we believe in?

B. Many of us believe in God, do our daily prayers and vow to be good.

C. But unfortunately, when it comes to putting our ideas into practice, we procrastinate.

D. There may be variations in our chosen ideals of Him, but each of us believes in Him nevertheless.

Ans 1. ACDB                       2. BDCA                           3. ABCD                           4. BADC

Ques 6. In the following passage, some words have been deleted.

An appetising and nutritious meal is always recommended because what we eat (1) ____ our senses.

The effect of food on our mind, body and spirit had been the centre (2) ______ discussion even in ancient Greece, when Pythagoras argued in favour of a healthy, vegetarian (3) ______. Though at the time when the philosopher lived, in around 500 BC, the term ‘vegetarianism’ was (4) ______, his diet came to be known as ‘the Pythagorean diet'. He is known for his theory on geometry, but few are aware of his profound (5) ______ on food habits!

Ans 1. Affects                     2. Hurts                           3. Creates                         4. Enables

       1. of                               2. On                               3. With                              4. To

      1. nutrition                    2. Bread                          3. Diet                               4. Nourishment

      1. known                       2. Knowing                     3. Unknown                      4. Knowledgeable

      1. development           2. Creation                     3. Wisdom                         4. Greatness

Ques 7. Given below are four sentences in jumbled order. Select option that gives their correct order.

A. Once, on an airplane, I leaned over to tie my shoelace.

B. I found myself pinned helplessly in the crash position, unable to move.

C. I always have catastrophes when I travel.

D. Just at that moment, the person in the seat ahead threw his seat back into full recline.

Ans 1. BDAC                           2. ABDC                                 3. DBAC                         4. CADB

Ques 8. Select most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given Sentence.

                   The workers’ union has threatened for going to an indefinite strike.

Ans 1. to be going for                   2. No substitution                  3. for going to                  4. to go on

Ques 9. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order.

A. Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest and most powerful American women, loved and admired by


B. When she was only 19, she became the first black female assistant to Nashville’s evening

news anchor.

C. But Oprah had a very difficult and traumatic childhood.

D. In 1986, Oprah became the television presenter of her own talk show called ‘The Oprah

Winfrey Show’.

Ans 1. BCAD                       2. DACB                           3. CBDA                        4. ABDC

Ques 10. In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

The little princess said, “I shut you in a golden cage because I wanted to have you all to (1)

______. I never knew it would make you so unhappy. I love you (2) ______ to grant you freedom

and let you be happy in your (3) ______.” Then she opened the cage and let out the (4) ______

little bird. The bird said, “I will come back to sing you the (5) ______ songs I know,” and flew

away into the blue.

1. Itself                        2. Myself                           3. Himself                          4. Herself

1. enough                  2. So                                   3. More                               4. So much

1. turn                         2. Way                              3. Cage                                4. Path

1. terrible                   2. Terrified                       3. Terrifying                       4. Terrorizing

1. more lovely          2. most lovelier                3. much lovely                   4. loveliest    

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