
English Quiz-1


Ques1. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. Cheetahs are one of the world’s most-recognisable cats, known especially for their speed.

B. Their faces too are distinguished by prominent black lines that curve from the inner corner of each eye to the outer corners of the mouth, like a well-worn trail of inky tears.

C. Cheetahs are covered almost entirely with small black spots on a background of pale yellow and have a white underbelly.

D. They have a long, slender body measuring 1.2 metres (4 feet), with a long tail (65–85 cm [2–3 feet]) that generally ends in a white tuft.

 Ans : ABDC

Ques 2. In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the

alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

In spite of all the honours that were heaped upon him, Pasteur remained a simple man (1)______ heart. Perhaps the memories of his boyhood days, when he (2)______ the familiar scenes of his birthplace, and the (3)______ to be a great artist never wholly left him. He did (4)______ a great artist but after his sixteenth year he (5)______ the brush forever. He put his soul and energy (6)______ his work, and it was this very energy that in the end (7)______ him out. For him, each sufferer was more than (8)______ a case that was to be cured. He looked upon the (9)______ against hydrophobia as a battle and he was (10)______ to win at any cost.

a)      1. By                             2. On                               3. In                          4. At

b)     1. Draw                        2.Draws                         3. Drew                    4. Drawn

c)      1.Wishing                    2.Itching                       3. Longing               4. Loathing

d)     1. Become                 2.Became                     3.Becoming            4. becomes      

e)      1.Discharged              2.Abandoned               3.Expelled               4. Released

f)       1.into                          2.Among                      3.Over                     4.Inside

g)      1.blew                           2.let                              3.cut                        4.Wore 

h)     1.absolutely               2.but                             3.Just                       4.Exactly

i)        1.mutiny                      2.rivalry                         3.scuffle                   4.Fight

j)        1.Decided                    2.Developed                 3.Determined         4.Devised

Ques 3 Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.

                   Do not allow strangers into the society complex.

Ans 1. Strangers should not have been allowed into the society complex.

       2. Strangers should not be allowed into the society complex.

       3. Let strangers must not allow into the society complex.

       4. Let strangers should be not allowed into the society complex.

Ques 4 Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined.

              She asked from me that I had seen the movie or not.

Ans 1. No substitution                       2. from me if I have

        3. to me that I saw                     4. me whether I had seen

Ques 5 Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled.

           A. Absulum, the reindeer elf worked in the reindeer barn.

           B. He also had to keep the reindeer well groomed.

           C. He had to clean it every day and that was hard work.

           D. He had to give them all a bath and brush their fur.

           E. It was such a dirty job to mop, slop, scour and scrape every corner.

           F. He worked his fingers to the bone but it seemed that no one cared.

Ans 1. ADCEBF                    2. AEBDCF                         3. ACEBDF                       4. ACDBEF

Ques 6 Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled.

            A. A singer called Mukandan Misra and his wife lived in Behat near Gwalior.

           B. Tired, the group settled down to rest in a shady grove.

          C. Once Swami Haridas was travelling through the forest with his disciples.

          D. Tansen, their only child was very naughty.

          E. Often he would run away to the woods and soon learnt to imitate the calls of birds and


         F. Tansen thought it would be fun to frighten the resting men with the roar of a tiger.

Ans 1. AEBCDF                   2. ABDECF                      3. ADECBF                    4. ACEBDF

Ques 7 Select the correct active form of the given sentence.

              The entire area was being given a face-lift.

Ans 1. They were giving a face-lift to the entire area.      2. They are giving a face-lift to the entire area.

       3. They have given a face-lift to the entire area.     4. They will be giving a face-lift to the entire area

Ques 8 Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.

              Someone robbed the man of all his possessions.

Ans 1. The man is robbed all his possessions by someone.

        2. Someone has been robbed by the man of all his possessions.

        3. The man was robbed of all his possessions by someone.

        4. The man was being robbed of all his possessions by someone.

Ques 9 Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.

              The young man exclaimed that it was a great feast.

Ans 1. The young man said, “Is it a great feast?”           

        2. The young man says, “It is a great feast.”

        3. The young man said, “What a great feast it is!”

        4. The young man said, “It has being a great feast!”

Ques 10 Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.

                The Principal asked Kamal how it was that he was always late for school.

Ans 1. The Principal said to Kamal, “How it was that he was always late for school?”

        2. The Principal said to Kamal, “How is it that you are always late for school?”

        3. The Principal said to Kamal, “How it is he was always late for school?”

        4. The Principal said to Kamal, “How are you always late for school?”

Ques 11 Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.

                She exclaimed that I had grown very tall.

Ans 1. She said to me, “You have grown very tall.”

        2. She said to me, “How tall I have grown!”

        3. She said to me, “How tall are you?”

        4. She said to me, “How tall you have grown!”

Ques 12 Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled.

A. Dr. Sadao Hoki’s house was built on a spot of the Japanese coast where he had played as a little boy.

B. His father had said, “Those islands are the stepping stones to the future for Japan.

C. His father had taken him to the islands of those seas and taught him things he had not forgotten.

D. As a boy, Sadao had climbed the pines, supporting himself on his bare feet as the men did in the South Seas.

E. The square stone house was set upon rocks above a beach outlined with bent pines.

F. “Where shall we step from them?” Sadao had asked seriously.

Ans 1. ADCEBF                   2. ABEDCF                  3. ACDBEF                    4. AEDCBF

Ques 13 Given below are four sentences in jumbled order.

           A. The flute seller stands in a corner of the square near the hotel.

           B. From time to time, he stands the pole on the ground, selects a flute and plays a tune.

           C. In his hand is a pole from which protrude about fifty flutes in all directions.

           D. They are all made from hollow bamboo stems.

Ans 1. CBDA

        2. ACDB

        3. BDAC

        4. ABCD

Ques 14 Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given.

                 I am much taller than I was a year ago.

Ans 1. that I were a year ago    2. No substitution     3. than a year before        4. as I was the year before

Ques 15 Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled.

              A. When the train pulled in at Chennai Central, it took Velu some time to get off.

              B. So, he sat down on a nearby bench that was unoccupied.

              C. In all his eleven years he had not seen so many people except at the village fair.

              D. When he finally stood on the platform, his legs felt wobble.

              E. He put his small bundle beside him on the bench and looked around.

              F. Near him, a group of people sat on their luggage staring at a TV hanging from the roof.

Ans  1. ADBECF                          2. ACBDEF                            3. ABECDF                               4. AEDCBF

Ques 16 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order.

A. But the eagle, in wrath, gave the beetle a flap of his wing, and straightaway seized upon the hare and devoured him.

B. The beetle therefore interceded with the eagle, begging of him not to kill the poor suppliant, and pleaded with him not to kill so small an animal.

              C. When the eagle flew away, the beetle flew after him, to learn where his nest was.

D. A hare, being pursued by an eagle, took himself for refuge to the nest of a beetle, whom he begged to save him.

Ans   1. DBAC              2. DCAB                         3. ACDB                   4. CBAD

Ques 17 In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks.

 Communication is a connection between people sharing information with (1)______ other. It is important in everyday life, (2)______ work and nearly any time you interact with other (3)______. Communication issues don’t always happen (4)______ of your English level. The truth is, you can know how to speak English (5)______ knowing how to communicate in English.

A)     1. every                               2. each                                        3. some                              4. One

B)     1. from                                2. on                                            3. at                                    4. While

C)     1. creatures                        2. people                                    3. ones                               4. Animals

D)     1. beside                             2. since                                        3. because                        4. About

E)      1. Lacking                           2. without                                   3. minus                             4. Devoid

Ques 18 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order

A. At length the olive tree's branches broke with the snow's weight, at once despoiling it of its beauty and killing the tree.

B. A shower of snow fell upon them and, finding the olive full of foliage, it settled upon its branches.

C. Finding the fig tree without leaves, the snow fell through the branches to the ground and did not injure it at all.

D. The olive tree ridiculed the fig tree because, while she was green all the year round, the fig tree changed its leaves with the seasons.

Ans 1. DBAC                              2. ABCD                                   3. ACBD                             4. DACB


Ques 19 In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill the blanks

“Everything in Bhutan is chemical-free, all fruits and vegetables are (1)______ organically, so whatever you buy is (2)______ farm produced as the (3)______ of the population indulge in farming for (4)______,” says my taxi driver Karma Chime. “We use turmeric on wounds, also to dye (5)______ and it is added extensively in our cooking. Also, many believe it is anti-cancer and can treat tumours.

A.     1. grown                   2. grow                            3. grows                       4. Grew

B.     1. locally                   2. nearby                         3. closely                     4. Nearly

C.      1. common              2. mass                             3. majority                  4. Community

D.     1. nutrition              2. sustenance                 3. conservation           4. Provision

E.      1. covering               2. attires                          3. fashions                   4. Garments

Ques 20 Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.

               Won’t you / please come / to help me / along this heavy box?

Ans 1. Won’t you               2. to help me                 3. along this heavy box                 4. please come




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