
English Quiz-6

 Additional CGL + CHSL 2020

Ques 1. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. Understanding a printed text comes from the interaction between printed words and one’s prior

     knowledge of the world.

B. Comprehension is the ability or process of understanding something that is spoken or written.

C. Listening comprehension, however, involves multiple processes in understanding and making sense

      of spoken language.

D. In active reading, readers think about their reading, and make connections and inferences.

Ans 1. DACB                   2. BADC                           3. BDCA                          4. ADBC

Ques 2. Select most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in given Sentence.

Clearing the entrance examination for universities abroad was the biggest challenge of my life.

Ans 1. has been bigger               2. is the bigger                 3. No substitution                4. had been the big

Ques 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

In the 19th century, there was an industrial revolution in Europe. As a result, millions of people

left the (1) ______ and went to work in big factories in cities. Today, it is the reverse. In several major

cities, people have started moving out. Why? They want a cleaner, (2) ______ environment. There are

fewer jobs in ‘heavy’ industries like steel and power generation. (3) ______, there are more jobs in

service industries like banking, tourism and food delivery. Besides, modern transport and

communications have made it easier for people to (4) ______ to work or even work from home.

The result of this revolution in the 21st century will be ‘spread cities’ – cities are growing fast, but

 (5) ______, away from city centres and people are choosing to live 40, 50 or 60 kilometres away.

1. countries                                  2. Cities                                        3. Factories                             4. Countryside

1. brighter                                    2. Darker                                      3. Worse                                  4. Greener

1. Instead                                     2. Nevertheless                           3. Of course                            4. Clearly

1. calculate                                   2. Communicate                          3. Compute                            4. Commute

1. inwards                                    2. Upwards                                   3. Downwards                       4. Outwards

Ques 4. Select the option that gives their correct order.

A. He seemed to remain that high for nearly two years.

B. Kari, the elephant was five months old when he was given to me to take care of.

C. We grew together, that is probably why I never found out just how tall he was.

D. I was nine years old and I could reach his back if I stood on tiptoe.

Ans 1. ADCB                         2. DBCA                          3. BDAC                          4. BCAD

Ques 5. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

                A. The man who had caught me was a dreadful sight.

                B. Suddenly I was picked up, whirled through the air, and made to sit on a tombstone.

                C. He was about forty years old, hard-faced and fierce.

                D. I was only a child, and small for my age.

Ans 1. DBAC                  2. BACD                       3. DCBA                         4. CBAD

Ques 6. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

              A. The whole area has been designed like a garden from Alice in Wonderland.

              B. It’s about having fun and learning, too; all the activities help to explain the modern world of

                  technology to the young visitors.

              C. But ‘The World of Children’ isn’t just about playing games and having joy rides.

              D. There are several different attractions in this vast area and there is a lot to see and do.

Ans 1. ADBC                          2. CBDA                              3. DACB                             4. BCDA

Ques 7. Examine the four jumbled sentences. Pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. These young cadets undergo a rigorous training program which is aimed to prepare them for the

Armed Forces.

B. Finally after the Senior Secondary examination these cadets compete to qualify for entry into the

National Defence Academy located in Pune.

C. It is also referred to as the Cradle or Excellence which trains cadets from the early age of 12.

D. Nestled in a lush green campus of 18 acres in Dehradun Cantonment is the RIMC, the Rashtriya

Indian Military Academy.

Ans 1. CABD                           2. ABDC                             3. DABC                               4. DCAB

Ques 8. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.

In order to promote reading we must become role models for the young by setting (1) ______ our own

smart phones to lose ourselves in a book. We too (2) ______ switch off our devices and set aside a

space and time to (3) ______ old habits that once transported us to the world of (4) ______. Studies

report that such deep reading leads one to become sensitive and (5) ______ citizens of the community.

1. out                       2. Aside                        3. Apart                    4. About

1. Shall                    2. Ought                        3. Might                   4. Should

1. reignite              2. Reconstruct             3. React                    4. Redo

1. imagine              2. Imaginative              3. Imagines              4. Imagination

1. thoughtless       2. Thoughtfulness        3. Thoughtfully       4. Thoughtful

Ques 9. Out of the given options, select the one that gives their correct order.

A. On the other hand, people who believe that their prayers alone will be answered without

courageous action are in for disappointment.

B. Successful people are not looking for miracles or easy tasks without any hurdles.

C. They look at what is left rather than what is lost and make efforts to succeed.

D. They seek courage and strength to overcome these obstacles.

Ans 1. BCAD                           2. BDCA                                  3. ADBC                                    4. BACD

Ques 10. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. That abandoned house is the childhood home of the director Achal Misra, who recreates it in this

semi-autobiographical film.

B. It is spread over three decades.

C. ‘Gamak Ghar’ is a unique movie telling the story of a home.

D. These are from 1998 to 2019, wherein the film observes the house age as it is gradually abandoned.

Ans 1. CBDA                         2. DBCA                          3. ABCD                          4. BACD

Ques 11. Select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

What are the future possibilities for space travel in the long term? (1) ______ will humans go after they

have explored our solar system? It is said that ‘Star Trek’ could hold the (2) ______ to these questions.

It is predicted that travel to other galaxies will only be (3) ______ in huge ‘starships’. These will wander

through space for hundreds or even thousands of years. Each of them will carry a large human

 (4) ______. Some of those people will take over a suitable new planet and settle down there.

This search for new planets to settle in will continue until life on planet Earth could be just a                                (5) ______ memory.

Ans       1. Why                  2. Where                   3. How                       4. When

              1. solution            2. Answer                 3. Query                    4. Door

              1. possible           2. Imagined               3. Achieved              4. Implemented

              1. colony              2. Proportion            3. Population           4. Instinct

              1. nearest            2. Distant                   3. Imaginary             4. Factual

Ques 12. Select the option that will improve the underlined segment in the given sentence.

                Make a list of most the things you would like to do once this lockdown is over.

Ans 1. All                                    2. Many                             3. No improvement                         4. Each

Ques 13. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

          People have overcome poverty, drug addiction, abuse, divorce, mental illness, and

           virtually every ______ known to man.

Ans 1. Challenge                                         2. Defiance

        3. Objection                                         4. Dispute

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