
English Quiz-2


Ques1. Jumbled sentences, Arrange the sentences in the right order

A. But a dove that happened to be sitting on a neighbouring tree saw the ant’s danger and, plucking off a leaf, let it drop into the water before him.

B. Just at that time, a fowler was spreading his net and was in the act of ensnaring the dove, when the ant, perceiving his object, bit his heel.

C. An ant went to a fountain to quench his thirst and, tumbling in, almost drowned.

D. The ant mounting upon it, was presently wafted safely ashore.

Ans 1. ABCD 2. CBAD 3. CADB 4. DCAB

Ques 2. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A stumbling block

Ans 1. Putting stones along the way 2. An obstacle to progress

3. Skipping over a hurdle 4. Removing stones on the way

Ques 3. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.

To throw an event into confusion or disorder

Ans 1. Disrupt 2. Detonate 3. Erupt 4. Explode

Ques 4. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.


Ans 1. Appreciate 2. Rejoice 3. Mourn 4. Enjoy

Ques 5. Sentences of a paragraph are in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the right order .

A. However, its importance is primarily for its location.

B. But unlike other rivers, it is not used for shipping.

C. Although not the longest river, the Rio Grande is the most important river in America.

D. America has several long river systems.

Ans 1. DABC 2. DCBA 3. ABCD 4. DCAB

Ques 6. One of the part contains an error. Select that part which contains error from the given options.

Four of earliest civilisations / of the world / were located / on the banks of or near large


Ans 1. were located on the banks of 2. of the world

3. Four of earliest civilisations 4. or near large rivers

Ques 7. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment.

Suresh has only been working here since one month and he has already learnt the job.

Ans 1. here from one month 2. here for one month

3. No substitution 4. here ever since one month

Ques 8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the following idiom.

Lion's share

Ans 1. The strongest and richest partner in a group

2. The part that must be left for the guests in a party

3. The greatest and most desirable portion of something

4. The sound produced by a lion when it is attacking a prey

Ques 9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


Ans 1. Spoilt child

2. Rich person

3. Plump lady

4. Wise man

Ques 10. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


Ans 1. Approve

2. Mock

3. Admire

4. Lift



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